Bax Capital Advisors AG is led by two partners, supported by an advisory board of active family entrepreneurs.

Alexander Pfeifer
Partner since 2003
VitaBefore Bax Capital, Partner of an international private equity group (Swiss Life Private Equity Partners), Associate Partner at a Swiss buy-and-build Fund (CGS Private Equity), Member of Management & financial analyst at a bank (Schroders) and management consultant in Germany (AT Kearney).
Master degrees in Business Administration (lic.oec. HSG) and International Management (CEMS Master)
Alexander Pfeifer is invested in mid-sized companies and active on the boards of directors. In addition he is a judge of the Commercial Court of Zurich and a lecturer in Corporate Finance.

Felix Rübel
Partner since 2003
VitaBefore Bax Capital, Partner at Swiss Capital Group in Private Equity with a focus on medium-sized companies with restructuring needs and manager at McKinsey & Co.
Education: MS in Mechanical Engineering from the ETH Zurich, MBA from Kellogg Graduate School of Management, NU, and BA from the University of Zurich.
Felix Rübel is personally investing in mid-sized companies and acting as a board member. He is also President of a charity and active as a historian.
Advisory Board
The Advisory Board consists exclusively of experienced entrepreneurs with own family businesses in Switzerland and Germany. The Board combines specific know-how, skills, mindset, culture, network and capital for joint investments in mid-sized enterprises.
The Advisory Board is made up of personalities from different industries. Currently, the following industries are represented on the advisory board:
Food | Mechanical Engineering | Retail | Packaging | Engineering |
Textiles | Construction | Chemicals | Media | Trade |
Fashion | Plastics | Financial Services | Automotive | Investments |